Update- 09.24.2019

Nicolas with his son Alejandro, Perla, and Carlos

Things continue to move forward quickly here at Gathering Hearts. Plans are being made in both Honduras and in the US to celebrate in October the Kuney’s 20 years in Honduras. Yes, we moved here from Tulsa in 1999. We’re looking forward to seeing many people we haven’t seen in a long while. Denny Boersema will be coming down to Honduras on October 2; he has certainly played a big role in the development of Gathering Hearts. After the celebration we will be leaving for the US on October 22…. This past weekend was independence day here in Honduras; the country gained independence from Spain 198 years ago. The same day is also dedicated to education in Honduras. Both Saturday and Sunday students paraded through the streets.

Perla carrying the banner.

Probably the most familiar are Perla and Carlos… I am so gratified at how the Gospel is being presented here every day. For example, this morning started out with Nicolas giving an inspiring message to the carpentry class. Then there were Bible classes for the children and young adults. Then at noon Cheryl gave a really good message to the teachers centered around Rick Warren’s materials. Before the day is over I’m sure there will be more.


Update- 10.12.2019


Update- 07.15.2019