Most of Honduras is considered evangelized, however, there is still a darkness covering many in that Christ is a religion but not a live person to them. This country continues to be a hub of corruption, crime, and drugs.
Our church, Templo Evangelical Emmanuel, has always had a bold witness among the villages with their humanitarian aid, village evangelism, and church plants, but September 24, the Day of the Bible, Pastor Nelson Osorto and the TEE church took a bold move, and went out into the streets with posters, music, and preaching. Pastor Nelson Osorto led his congregation enthusiastically and his wife Sonia led the parade. The young people participated and show a desire and boldness to reach their own people.
Gary and Cheryl at Crossover Bible Church in Tulsa, OK.
While the ministry has been expanding in Honduras, Gary and Cheryl have had speaking engagements in churches with their short stint in the states. In seven to ten minutes, they can convey what God is doing in Honduras and glorify God with His provision and abundance of new converts. If your church or community group is interested in hearing about the ministry, we would love to share our story.
Contact GHH board member, Paula Sutton, at
With the expanding opportunities in Gathering Hearts for Honduras, we, the Gathering Hearts Board, felt others would be interested in investing in the ministry's needs of which now has the responsibility of paying the salary of twenty-two Honduran teachers and employees. This runs around $8,574 per month. There is also a children’s feeding program and medical clinic, plus the monthly utility expenses. The total amount of funds needed each month is $25,000. Remarkably, this ministry has grown based on faith with few monthly commitments. The Board believes now is the time to give others an opportunity to partner and invest in the growth of God’s Kingdom in Honduras. This partnership would allow a more consistent basis for supporting the ministry. If you would like to join this opportunity and become a monthly investor in Gathering Hearts for Honduras, please email . Thank you for considering becoming a monthly partner investing towards God's work in the Gathering Hearts for Honduras ministry.
The great dental team that helped during the brigade.
Consuelo, our Mission Center nurse, has proved herself over the years to have a heart for God and a heart for her people. She not only runs the medical clinic, but is involved in nearly every aspect of the ministry. In July she organized a village wide dental brigade in the conference center. There is little or no dental care for the people that we serve here. As a result, people go with very painful, infected teeth that need to be pulled. Seeing the great need for dental care in our impoverished area, Consuelo set up a dental brigade with several dentists and dental interns. Gratefully the dental brigade saw and treated 105 patients. This not only helps the people, but connects us with dentists that could possibly help in the future.
Consuelo visiting Gladys
Many times, Consuelo will accompany Gary and Nelson into those hot villages and provide medical care and pray for the patients who cannot get to her for medical treatment at the Mission Center. One such example is Gladys, who seriously injured her leg in a car accident and should probably have been hospitalized. Consuelo faithfully goes and treats Gladys, as well as others. The recent medical team from Christ Presbyterian Church calls her the General, and that she is. She takes command of any situation and makes it work.
At Gathering Hearts for Honduras, we are committed to sharing the love of Christ through education, vocational training, medical care, and community outreach. Your support helps transform lives and bring hope to those in need. Be a part of the mission! Whether through prayer, donations, or hands-on service, you can make a lasting impact.
2220 W. Oakridge St.
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74012
+1 (918) 269-8683
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