Our Outreaches

At Gathering Hearts for Honduras, we are committed to serving our community in a multitude of impactful ways. From educational programs to medical clinics and youth engagement, each outreach is designed to meet both practical needs and spiritual hunger.

One Ministry. Many Outreaches. One Gospel.

English and Computer Classes

English and tech knowledge are very valuable skills in Honduras. We train annually around 200 students in these fields! Our students range in age from  children all the way to senior adults. Upon graduation we present students with a certificate  that they may show to potential employers!

Mission Teams

We love hosting short-term missions teams! We even built an on-campus dormitory complex to accommodate them! These teams have a variety of focuses; from medical to teaching English to construction. Like all we do here, these teams’ primary goal is the Gospel!

Sports Park Ministry

Soccer and volleyball are wildly popular in Honduras. We play with about 100 youth four times every week at our newly constructed Dr. James Green Memorial Sports Park. It’s a wonderful time. Before we begin playing we share a brief evangelism-centered message.

Children & Youth Programs

Children are very vulnerable here to hunger, neglect, and violence. We aim to provide a safe place for children to learn, play, and hear the Gospel. We have a feeding program and provide food for many area children who may otherwise go hungry.

Dental & Medical Clinics

Medical and dental care availability is sparse here. For this reason we often host teams of doctors and dentists, both from the United States and from San Pedro Sula. When we have these clinics, the line is out the door!

Women's Ministry

In Honduras it can be difficult for women to support themselves, especially if they’ve been abandoned (which is sadly common). To help, we train women in sewing and business; with the hope that they will be able to make a living sewing and selling clothes.

Evangelism and Discipleship

This outreach is our most diverse in its daily application. The Gospel is shared every day in every ministry we do. We also visit the villages, evangelizing, every Wednesday morning. Discipleship groups are a growing ministry as well, designed to grow new believers in their faith!

Church Support

We partner with our local congregation, Templo Evangelico Emanuel, broadly and frequently. They are literally a stone’s throw away and are the church that Gary, Cheryl, Grant, and Consuelo attend personally. Nelson Osorto, one of our English teachers, is the Pastor of TEE.

Visitation Ministry

Our heart is not to bring the community to us, but to go to our community! One way we do this is by visiting them at their homes, often providing basic food provisions, and always bringing the Gospel.